Bored Meeting

Bored, bugged, dont know what to do? Join the bored meeting and eradicate your boredom. All fun stuff when you have nothing else to do.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

IQ Question that decides your day....

There is a mute who wants to buy a toothbrush. By imitating the action of brushing one's teeth, he successfully expresses himself to the shopkeeper and the purchase is done.

Now if there is a blind man who wishes to buy a pair of sunglasses, how should he express himself?

Think hard........





He opens his mouth and says. "I would like to buy a pair of sunglasses"

If you got this wrong - please turn off your computer and call it a night.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Google's Smart !

A search on "failure" yields interesting results !

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Upgraded from Girlfriend 5.0 to Wife 1.0

Dear Tech Support Team:

Last year I upgraded from Girlfriend 5.0 to Wife 1.0.

I soon noticed that the new program began unexpected child processes that
took up a lot of space and valuable resources.

In addition, Wife 1.0 installed itself into all other programs and now
monitors all other system activities.

Applications such as BachelorNights 10.3, Cricket 5.0, BeerWithBuddies 7.5,
and Outings 3.6 no longer runs, crashing the system whenever selected.

I can't seem to keep Wife 1.0 in the background while attempting to run my
favorite applications.

I'm thinking about going back to Girlfriend 5.0, but the 'uninstall' doesn't
work on Wife 1.0.

Please help!


"A Troubled User"

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Google Fight

Now this is something you really must check, a site I came across whose concept is simple enough to pass away your 5 bored minutes. Its called the Google fight - now its not actually google fighting, but it provides a medium for two words to fight to know who is better
I tried a fight between "Microsoft Vista" & "Delay" and here is what i got!

Some other funny fights I came across were "google fight" v/s "waste of time" & "my girlfriend" v/s "pamela anderson". So for real boredoms this is not a bad way to come to a result, its like playing heads & tails.
Visit the site here -

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Great Students' Answer Papers Part 2

Friday, April 07, 2006

Next Generation Kids

The next generation kids are not an illusion. I really met a couple of them and jaws were put back in place, just look at them ;)

Click here to see all photos

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Software engineer's wedding invitation

Yummy! I came across this software engineers wedding invitation and I was like...., you'd guess it when you read it ;)

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

If he made windows, I'll make doors; If he...

Being a billionare really feels nice, infact I find it nice to just have a billionare as my role model. I would never deny it was Bill Gates' success that brought me into this line. If not for he, I would have today been a doctor or some other rather boring stuff than programming. You have to admit he has been real lucky and successful, and therefore he was also determined. When I says this, i get a strong opposition that his company cheats, but in my experience its not close to what Ive heard. Here is a short profile I've collected about him,

William Gates III
49 , self made
Net Worth: $46.5 bil down
Country of citizenship: United States
Residence: Medina, WA, United States
Industry: Software
Marital Status: married , 3 children
Harvard University, Drop Out

Someone has to be real dumb to say he has not done well, or maybe you got to be jealous. One day Im confident I would meet him and reach at his heights or prolly somewhere near from where he could be seen to me.
I somehow remain fascinated by him and thats where I want to reach, it really takes a lot of knowledge to be there. He has a heart of his own, does a lot for charity. Infact his donations put other donors jaws back in place. He has been honoured many titles like the Sir, which was later changed to KBE. He has been on the forbes top for years and will continue to remain there until I grow a bit more! So I conclude

"If he made windows, I'll make doors; If he made word, I'll make the sentence"

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

[Personal] I think i forgot myself...

It has been a few posts and now I need visitors, but looks like I forgot to tell you what to do incase you land up here!

    Hi, Im Dayson Pais or nicked Soothsayer. Now after getting so many mods together and so many designs modified I can't let this site get to the grave. I know I must get this site running but only YOU can. If you have no idea about what this blog is about, read a bit up here...
My thoughts about this site:
- I think I have made this site good enough to be liked by anyone who loves humour. Its user friendly, has good navigation, has few(but good) posts and a name which really ranks among puns.
- I've put up some ads at pretty undisturbing places which I expect someday would be clicked and I would have a shower of money. This is for the domain I wish to buy for this blog. Click them when you see something worth.
- The paypal is a unlazy way to donate. Look on your right navigation.
- The firefox is a free promotion Im doing, as it is something I greatly use and like. So it deserves a link back!
- Money minded? who me ? Ney... not all! but yes I do need money to buy this laptop on this page  I've been only visiting for long. I can't dare to click on add to cart button!

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 I know it I will get it pretty soon, I will post up here as soon as I fetch it! It takes a lot to get this site running. Real more than making it ten times on the most boring days. So I need a pretty hand by reading up here on how to help us.
 If your a good poster, visit the Contact page here and I would give you rights to post and expand this blog.
Thats all I feel like writing at the moment, very soon I would write a small autobiography of myself!
Dayson Pais

Great Students' Answer Papers Part 1

Here's a teacher's nightmare :

Sunday, April 02, 2006

UPSC Exam Replies...hilarious!

Here are few of the questions asked during the UPSC Exam Interview in 1998, along with the answers given by candidates. Some great stuff!

Q.How can you drop a raw egg onto a concrete floor without cracking it?
A.Concrete floors are very hard to crack! (UPSCTopper)

Q. If it took eight men ten hours to build a wall,how long would it take four men to build it?
A. No time at all it is already built. (UPSC 23 Rank Opted for IFS)

Q. If you had three apples and four oranges in one hand and four apples and three oranges in the other hand,what would you have?
A. Very large hands.(Good one) (UPSC 11 Rank Optedfor IPS)

Q. How can you lift an elephant with one hand?
A. It is not a problem, since you will never find an elephant with one hand. (UPSC Rank 14 Opted for IES)

Q. How can a man go eight days without sleep?
A. No Probs , He sleeps at night. (UPSC IAS Rank98)

Q. If you throw a red stone into the blue sea what it will become?
A. It will Wet or Sink as simple as that. (UPSC IAS Rank 2)

Q. What looks like half apple ?
A : The other half. (UPSC - IAS Topper )

Q. Bay of Bengal is in which state?
A : Liquid (UPSC 33Rank )

Hope you enjoyed every one of them.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

They have finally found her....

Oh! my, they have finally found her....

Here is Popeye!

And here is his mother!